






XMLPatterns.com Books
XML Structure Patterns Software Design Patterns
XML Structure
Books about how to structure XML documents.
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Structuring XML Documents

David Megginson

Great book on how to structure your XML documents. Covers both XML and SGML. Tends to leans towards publishing oriented DTDs. Also contains a good section on Architectural Forms.

The XML & SGML Cookbook: Recipes for Structured Information

Rick Jelliffe

The closest anyone has come to putting rules of Structuring XML into pattern forms into a book. Tends to lean towards publishing oriented DTDs. An excellent resource.

Developing SGML DTDs: From Text to Model to Markup

Eve Maler
Jeanne El Andaloussi

Presents a process for developing SGML DTDs. Most of it can be applied to XML development as well. The best resource for a methodology for DTD development.

XSLT Programmer's Reference

Michael Kay

An excellent guide to XSLT. Includes a chapter with 4 XSLT Design Patterns.

XML Structure Patterns Software Design Patterns
Books about Patterns.
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The Timeless Way of Building

Christopher Alexander

Alexander introduces what patterns are all about and explains where their power comes from. Established a great foundation for building a pattern language. A must read for anyone serious about patterns.

A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction

Christopher Alexander

A description of the pattern language that Alexander came up with for city planners and architects. Provides concrete examples of the power that patterns can provide.

XML Structure Patterns Software Design Patterns
Software Design Patterns
Books about Design Patterns in Object-Oriented Software Development.
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Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software

Erich Gamma
Richard Helm
Ralph Johnson
John Vlissides

The book that defined the patterns movement in the object-oriented development community. This work is often referred to as the "Gang of Four" (or GoF) book. A must read for Object-Oriented Software designers.

Pattern Hatching - Design Patterns Applied

John Vlissides

By one of the authors of the GoF book. Discusses the finer points and new insights of the patterns in the GoF book. Also discusses some of the process that went into writing the original book. Great for aspiring pattern authors in the object oriented software field.

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